If you've had scabies before, symptoms may start within a few days of exposure.

In infants and young children, common sites of scabies usually include the: In adults and older children, scabies is most often found: But scabies can appear on many parts of the body.
Scabies is often found in the skin folds. Thin, wavy tunnels made up of tiny blisters or bumps on the skin.Itching, often severe and usually worse at night.but you can access those items again if you take off your battle gear. so you can’t access the items in your blue jeans pocket if your wearing a mid-evil suit of battle armor. Its a simple concept- your wearing protective armor OVER your Pockets/Pack. I really like the idea of making while wearing body armor it “locks” the backpack slots from being used- but you don’t actually have to drop your pack on the ground and worry about other players hijacking right out from under you.
Its simply something I DON’T want to resort to in a room full of strangers I don’t trust. other players can snatch up your pack if you take it off. The biggest problem with body clothing NOW is that you have to drop your backpack to use them- which in single player DS was a fine thing to do, but in DST. The Winter/Beefalo hats are good because they aren’t as annoying as Body Clothing. I think that if they were slightly more useful, and had significantly longer durability that they would maybe see more use. The same points can be made about the seasonal body slot clothings, they’re pretty quick to loss durability and they’re just not as effective as other sources like a Thermal Stone or even making more campfires. I would rather just Murder every spider in sight then to try and use this terrible hat item. One of the worst offenders of this is the Spider Hat you get from killing Spider Queens it’s durability goes out super fast and I just hate it. I think the reason I personally don’t use clothings is that it degrades ridiculously fast and other than the Eyebrella & Bearger Vest the clothings really are not that great or effective. As of now, every experienced player just prefers using thermal stones and a backpack over wearing any insulated clothes.Įdit: Here's another solution proposed by Mike23Ua : With either of these implemented, we'd finally see more people wear seasonal clothing as well as make belt of hunger and hibearnation vest viable for their cost. log suit + puffy vest wouldn't be allowed). This would keep the current version's balance as in contrast to #1 as it wouldn't allow armor and clothing to be worn at the same time (e.g. Give an extra body slot, but with a catch: Clothing, backpacks, and amulets would take 1 slot while body armors would take 2. This would keep wearing armor and backpack at the same time forbidden (which some people think to be OP/unfair) while making body clothing viable. Make an extra "clothing"/amulet slot that is separate from head and backpack/armor, so we would have 3 slots in total: Head, body clothing, and armor/backpack. Why couldn't a character wear a puffy vest or a summer frest together with a backpack? I came from competitive games, so when my gf let me play DST, I searched for guides and tried to get better and better in the game quickly.Īs someone who tends to like optimizing things, I noticed more and more that something I've thought quite a lot about when I was a newbie, which is body clothing, is actually pretty useless and outshined by either a backpack or a head equipment.